Lectures slides
I collect here lecture slides for lectures about or related to my research
held in various places.
- Is the Hofstadter energy spectrum
observable in far-infrared absorption?, (PDF, 0.9 MB)
- Models of quantum dots, (PDF, 0.4 MB)
- Far-infrared absorption of quantum dots; From
single dots to array, (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Magnetization of confined and
extended 2DEG's, (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- From single dots to arrays, (PDF, 2.7 MB)
- Excitations below the Kohn mode;
FIR-absorption in quantum dots, (PDF, 2 MB)
- Electron dynamics in highly excited
quantum dots, (PDF, 0.6 MB)
- Magnetization of quantum dots, (HTML)
- Nonadiabatic current generation in a quantum ring, (HTML)
- Quasi-Teilchen zwischen Modellen und
Wirklichkeit, (HTML)
- Coherent electronic transport
in multimode quantum channel, (PDF, 3.0 MB)
- Transport through a nano-wire in a
magnetic field, (PDF, 3.4 MB)
- Transport through a state with negative binding energy
in a two-dimensional quantum wire, (PDF, 1.76 MB)
- Eðlisvísindi í tölvum, (PDF,
9.9 MB)
- Magnetotransport through nanosystems
embedded in a two-dimensional quantum wire, (PDF, 7.8 MB)
- Magnetotransport in a double quantum
wire, (PDF, 8.0 MB)
- Time-dependent phenomena in a quantum dot
, (PDF, 3.2 MB)
- Time-dependent phenomena in a quantum dot
, (PDF, 13.2 MB) (version for Uni. Hamburg)
- Magnetotransport through systems embedded in a quantum wire
, (PDF, 13.0 MB) (Tutorial talk for the workshop "Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures"
Tainan, Taiwan, September 2007)
- Time-dependent magnetotransport in a quantum wire
, (PDF, 15.2 MB) (Invited talk for the workshop "Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures"
Tainan, Taiwan, September 2007)
- Magnetotransport through systems embedded in a quantum wire,
(PDF, 15.4 MB)
(Mathematical Models for Transport in
Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Systems,
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis
and Stochastics, Berlin, February 2008).
- Geometrical effects in magnetotransport through systems embedded
in a quantum wire, (PDF, 15.1 MB), NUU, MiaoLi,
Taiwan October 23, 2008.
- Time-dependent transport through electron systems strongly or weakly
coupled to quantum wires, (PDF, 15.3 MB), NUU, MiaoLi,
Taiwan October 23, 2008.
- Time-dependent transport in quantum wires,
(PDF, 15.6 MB), Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis
and Stochastics, Berlin, June 2009.
- Time-dependent transport through quantum nanostructures,
(PDF, 10.5 MB), NCTS, HsinChu, Taiwan, September 2009.
- Time-dependent magnetotransport in semiconductor nanostructures
via the generalized master equation, (PDF 2.5 MB), CCP-2009,
KaoHsiung, Taiwan, December 16 2009.
- Time-dependent transport through nanosctructures, (PDF, 8.6 MB),
Nice, France, June 23 (2010).
- Transport of electrons through a photon cavity, (PDF, 3.7 MB),
NORDITA, Stockholm, September 17 (2012).
- Coupled collective and Rabi oscillations in electron transport through
a photon cavity, (PDF, 8.7 MB), NORDITA, Stockholm, May 26 (2015).
- Time-dependent transport of electrons through nanosystems in a photon cavity
, (PDF, 1.8 MB), Universität Hamburg, May 31 (2016).
- Time-dependent transport of electrons through nanosystems in a photon cavity
, (PDF, 4.5 MB), National Taiwan University (國立臺灣大學), Sept. 23 (2016).
- Time-dependent transport of electrons through nanosystems in a photon cavity
, (PDF, 4.6 MB), National Chung Hsing University, (國立中興大學), Dec. 02 (2016).
- Emergence of time regimes in electron transport through a complex nano
scale semiconductor system in a photon cavity, (PDF, 2.3 MB), The 8th International Workshop on Solid State
Quantum Computing (8IWSSQC), Dec. 13 (2016).
- Modeling two different nonlinear aspects in quantum dot systems, April 13, (2018),
Workshop on Recent Progress in Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics, Theory, Simulations and Experiment, Fields Institute, Toronto.
- Electron-photonic transport: Interplay of shape and interactions, Sept. 21, (2019),
7th International Symposium on Optics and its applications (OPTICS-2019), Yerevan, Armenia.
- Does self-induction matter in quantum transport? (Video recording ), Nov. 14, (2020),
The 1st International Symposium on Precision Engineering 2020 (ISPE 2020), National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, Taiwan.
- Electron-FIR photonic transport: High order transitions in artificial atoms coupled to external leads, Aug. 04, (2021),
Nordic Physics Days 2021, 4-6 August, Uppsala, Sweden.
- QEDFT = QED + DFT applied to an array of quantum dots in a photon cavity, May 09, (2022),
University of Sulaimani, May 09, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
- Orbital magnetization of an array of quantum dots in a photon cavity,
Nordic virtual condensed matter seminars, April 28, (2023)
- Electron-photon many-body systems,
NORDITA board meeting Reykjavík, May 25, (2023)
- Modeling static and dynamical properties of a 2DEG in an external magnetic field and a FIR-photon cavity,
National Taiwan University (國立臺灣大學), March 01, (2024)
Viðar Guðmundsson