Group of Nanophysics
Vidar Gudmundsson
Science Institute
University of Iceland
Dunhaga 3
IS-107 Reykjavik
e-mail: vidar@raunvis.hi.is
I model the electronic systems in low-dimensional semiconductor structures
in the mesoscopic - nanostructure regime. Recently I have worked on:
- Far-infrared absorption of quantum dots and arrays of quantum dots.
- Magnetization of quantum dots.
- Raman absorption of quantum dots.
- The transition regime; single dot - array of dots, antidots.
Together with my students I shall be working on transport and optical properties
of nanosystems in the near future. We are also interested in time-dependent phenomena
in these systems.
Activity report, November 2002
Link: www.raunvis.hi.is/~vidar/.