Activity Report – Antti-Pekka
Jauho, Mikroelektronik Centret, DTU
At the Höör Meeting during
13-15 September APJ presented a review of theoretical research
carried out at Mikroelektronik Centret. The following groups are
active at MIC:
Molecular Electronics, led by
Associate Professor Kurt Stokbro. The group has developed (together
with a group in Barcelona) a program package “TRANSIESTA”,
which combines transport calculations based on nonequilibrium
Green’s functions with at initio electronic structure
calculation, and they have applied it to a number of nanostructures
of current interest, such as the Tour wire. The computational tool
allows a detailed understanding of the voltage drop across a
contact-molecule-contact structure as well as the broadening of the
molecular levels due to coupling to the contacts. The work in this
group is of immediate interest to the work of Network Member Jari
Kinaret at Chalmers, and a meeting between the MIC and Chalmers
researchers will take place during 21-22 November 2002, where
further collaboration issues will be discussed.
Microfluidics (Theory and
Simulation), led by Associate Professor Henrik Bruus concentrates on
hydrodynamic simulations of fluid flow in novel devices, such as the
“lab-on-chip” concept. Issues addressed include studies
of surface tension, contact angle, wetting phenomenon, moving
bubbles, clogging pressure, and impact of different channel
Mesoscopic Transport, led by
Research Professor Antti-Pekka Jauho has a long tradition in
theoretical studies of transport in nanostructures (issues recently
addressed include the phenomenon of Coulomb drag, and spintronics).
More recently a project has been launched whose target is NEMS
(Nanoelectromechanical systems), where the mesoscopic transport is
affected by mechanical degrees of freedom. A topic of special
interest is the electron shuttle, pioneered by the Chalmers group.
The long term plan is to extend the theory to magnetic NEMS. A
meeting has been set up for December 16 – 17, when three
researchers from MIC will visit Chalmers to discuss topics of common