Eðlisfræði þéttefnis I


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Ýmsar upplýsingar

Á bókasafninu í VR-II hafa eftirtaldar bækur sem tengjast efni námskeiðisins verið teknar til á sérhillu:
  1. Ashcroft, Neil W. Solid state physics / Neil W. Ashcroft, N. David Mermin. 1976
  2. Madelung, Otfried. Introduction to solid-state theory / O. Madelung. 1978
  3. Blakemore, John Sydney. Solid state physics. 2nd ed. 1985
  4. Kittel, Charles. Introduction to solid state physics / Charles Kittel. 5th ed. c 1976
  5. Kittel, Charles. Quantum theory of solids. 1963