Screen casts 2025
Thursday, February 06
- Lecture 08, magnetic dipole: Magnetic dipole (mp4)
- Lecture 08, magnetization: Magnetization (mp4)
- Problem set 03: Problem set 03 (mp4)
Thursday, February 14
- Lecture 10, magnetic energy, inductance, force, and torque: Magnetic dipole (mp4)
- Lecture 10, magnetic force, and torque: Magnetization (mp4)
- Problem set 04: Problem set 04 (mp4).
I noticed after recording that a wrong sign appears on the components of the current vector field.
On the web this is corrected and a vector graph is added for the current. I also add a vector graph that
shows better the length of each one, by not requesting that the vectors are normalized.
A solution is only found outside the cylindrical hole. As the origin of the coordinate system is thus avoided components of the
solution that diverge at r = 0 are allowed and needed.
Monday, February 17
- Lecture 11, Time-dependent fields - Maxwells equations: Faradays law (mp4)
Thursday, February 20
- Lecture 12, Maxwell equations - Wave equations: Wave equations (mp4)
- Problem set 05: Problem set 05 (mp4). In the last line of problem
1 a sinus is missing in the expression for the mangetic field. It is now in the solution outlines.
Monday, February 24
- Lecture 13, Time-periodic sources - Helmholtz equations: Plane waves (mp4)
Thursday, February 27
- Lecture 14, Doppler - polarization - loss: Waves (mp4)
Viðar Guðmundsson