09.21.68 Models and Measurements 3u. 4. sem.- 2f+4V.
Teachers: Rögnvaldur Ólafsson, docent, Viðar Guðmundsson, professor, and Gunnlaugur Björnsson, docent.
Prerequisites: Mathematical Analysis IC 09.10.12, Mathematical Analysis IIC 09.10.22 and Linear Algebra and Geometry 09.10.14

Models: Seven weeks are used to introduce the students to methods that have evolved with in physics to discover the properties of physical models: (i) Confined electrons, (ii) Phase transitions, and (iii) Models of finanical derivatives.
Measurements: Introduction to the usage of computers in gathering experimental data and analysis thereof. Four experiments including the IEEE bus, AD, and DA converters. Seven Weeks.
Teaching material: photocopies.